Clinical Results - medical successes
Dr. Li treated about 20,000 cancer patients from Israel, China, America, European countries, Serbia, Canada, Australia, Russia, etc., during the years 1996 - 2025. The effectiveness rate of the treatment reaches up to 69.7% and in combination with chemotherapy up to -84.3%.
Over the past fifty years, Dr. Li and her team from worldwide have focused on clinical and scientific research on the use of integrated traditional Chinese and Western medicine to treat various common tumors in 44 countries, including brain tumors, like astrocytoma, glioma, glioblastoma(GBM DIPG), and mouth area cancer such as tongue cancer, laryngeal cancer, glottic carcinoma, carcinoma of the parotid gland, nasopharyngeal carcinoma, thyroid cancer(include hurthle cell carcinoma), lung cancer metastasis to the brain and liver, bones, malignant mesothelioma, breast cancer with metastasis, breast cancer triple negative, ovary cancer, uterus cancer, bladder cancer, prostate cancer, liver cancer, gallbladder cancer, pancreases cancer, colon cancer, stomach cancer, esophagus cancer, sarcoma include liposarcoma, Ewing sarcoma, osteosarcoma, leukemia, including acute leukemia, chronic leukemia, etc. also treating some asthma, COPD, lung fibrosis, bronchiectasis, emphysema, etc. Clinic trial for more than twenty years, some of them recovered for more than twenty years.
1. Brain tumor
Name: BYS, Male, Jerusalem, Israel.
In July 1996, BYS was diagnosed with pilocytic astrocytoma of the third ventricle of the brain. He had a successful surgery in January 1998. However, the cancer had spread in the membrane of all ventricles. He began chemotherapy treatment for a year without any improvement. In December 1998 BYS began his meetings with Dr. Li. He took Dr. Li's medicine - Anti-Cancer Number 1 - to help him deal with the side effects of chemotherapy, especially with regard to low blood counts, and inhibition of tumor growth. The target set by Dr. Li was to start to see an improvement within 8 months and to eliminate the tumor, without chemotherapy, within a year. In March 1999 BYS showed a slight improvement, and in June 1999 significant improvement has been observed as a result of Dr. Li's treatment. In 2000, the disease disappeared completely. His doctors said they had never had such a dramatic improvement. In the 14 years since the tumor has not returned. Since 2000 BYS has arrived at Dr. Lee's clinic each year in order to prevent the recurrence of the tumor. Now more than 20 years passed, and the boy has grown up and graduated from the university with a happy life.
2. Breast cancer
(1) Breast cancer without conventional treatment
Name: SL, Age: 75, female, Tel Aviv, Israel.
SL suffered from breast cancer for many years. In 1998, the tumor began to grow and bleed. She began seeing Dr. Li in 1999 and a few months later the tumor stopped developing, the wound became smaller and the bleeding stopped. In 2003, the breast cancer had disappeared completely without any conventional treatment. She continues to be treated by Dr. Li to prevent recurrence.
(2) Breast cancer without operation and chemotherapy and radiotherapy
Patient RE suffering from breast cancer, the tumor 6 cm, wounded and bleeding with serious pain, but the patient refuses all conventional treatment, even check-ups. She came to our research center on 10th Nov 2013 very depressed, but she was very scared of chemotherapy, and mastectomy, she asked for only Chinese Medicine treatment, Dr. Li told her better both conventional and Chinese medicine treatments because of the serious situation, however, she decides only take the Chinese medicine treatment, so she takes ACNO1 and ACNO3 herbal medicine, a few months later the bleeding stop, around one year the wounded closed, after 3 years the tumor almost disappeared, now 11 years past she continue the treatment, plus a hormone treatment to prevent. also she is more than 83 years old, she works normally with a happy life.
(3) Breast cancer triple negative
Triple-negative breast cancer is a relatively uncommon form of breast cancer that is usually more aggressive and harder to treat than other types of breast cancer.
It’s known as triple negative because it lacks three molecules called receptors. All other types of breast cancer have at least one of three receptors: the estrogen receptor (ER), progesterone receptor (PR), or human epidermal growth factor receptor 2(HER2) These receptors are important for passing signals to cancer cells. For example, the hormone estrogen stimulates the growth of some breast cancer cells through the estrogen receptor.
Many of the most effective breast cancer treatments work by targeting receptors. For example, the drug trastuzumab kills breast cancer cells by latching onto the HER2 receptor, while tamoxifen works by blocking the estrogen receptor and stopping estrogen from stimulating breast cancer cells. Because triple-negative cancers lack receptors, it’s not possible to treat them using targeted drugs like these.
Patient NG, from Israel, suffered from left breast cancer 1.6cm with triple-negative (ER PR and HER2 negative ) in April 2019, Due to the tumor growing fast, she underwent surgery and followed by the chemotherapy, So she did not take the vaccine for cvid -19. However, Triple-negative breast cancer (TNBC) is an aggressive cancer, meaning it grows and spreads quickly. It’s more likely than other breast cancers to return, and it has more limited treatment options, she was very worried about it and came to the Chinese Medicine Cancer Research Center to take anticancer herbal medicine on 16 Feb 2020 during covid-19 pandemic, she began to take ACNO1 and ACNO3, Unfortunately, her husband was caught covid-19,3 months ago, she is complete avoid, she was very happy to tell us her antibody good enough to against covid -19, she already get the green passport from Israel government because her immune good enough .making her happier is all breast check is normal and has a normal life in the last two years. Now almost five years have passed, she all check-ups are normal, with no return, which means the herbal medicine increases the NK cells and very well prevents the tumor come back.
Anti-tumor ACNO1and ACNO3 fill the gap in the lack of recurrence prevention drugs for triple-negative breast cancer.
(4) The patient ,GP, 70 years old , from Israel, was suffering from right breast cancer 5.5cm metastasis to right armpit lymph nodes with triple negative (ER, PR, and HER2 negative) she recommended mastectomy because of the big tumor. She wants to avoid the big operation and look for another way, then she come to our research center at 6th Sept 2023 ,and to take herbal medicine ACNO1and ACNO3 , as we as chemotherapy until May 2024 ,the tumor almost cleaning by mammography and ultrasound , but her doctor did not belive the results , so that she has still done the lumpectomy on the 9th of May , it is very luck , the doctor did not see any tumor cells during the operation, of course she continue the herbal medicine to prevent the tumor recurrence.
3. Hodgkin's disease
Name: NM, Age: 22, female, Ramat Hasharon, Israel.
In August 1998, she was diagnosed with Hodgkin's disease.During chemotherapy she lost all her hair and suffered from vomiting and nausea and low blood counts.She underwent Dr. Li's treatment to help her cope with those side effects. The medicinal plants boost her immune system, inhibited the disease and protected her from the chemotherapy.In May 2000, she got rid from the disease completely and continue her normal life. She continues to be treated by Dr. Li to prevent recurrence.
4. Metastatic Cancer with Unknown Primary Site
Name: ME, Age: 44, female, Har Adar, Israel.
In February 2000, she was diagnosed with metastatic cancer with unknown primary site in the area of the left collarbones and armpit. She underwent removal of several lymph nodes but refused to undergo chemotherapy. She arrived to Dr. Li and is under her treatment since March 2000. In recent testing she did, in April 2001, it was found that she no longer has any tumor in her body, and her blood test results were normal. She is certain that the devoted treatment she received from Dr. Li helped her overcome the cancer. She believes that the treatment offered by Dr. Li helps many patients to cope with this serious disease and avoid side effects of chemotherapy.
5. Breast cancer with lungs, liver and bones metastases
Name: JH, Age: 55, female, Jerusalem, Israel.
In 1987 she was diagnosed with Metastatic breast cancer. The cancer had spread to the lungs, lymph nodes, the spine, the other breast, the liver and the parotid gland.In 2003 she was told that she has only one more year to live. She was treated by Dr. Li for 7 months during which her general health was improved and metastases in liver and lung disappeared completely. For the doctors, this is a miracle.
6. Neuroblastoma
Name: IR, male, aged 9, Kiryat Gat, Israel.
Since 1999, IR has been treated in the oncology department suffering from neuroblastoma stage IV. In November 2001 he underwent surgery, yet the disease has been observed again in his bone marrow. He arrived to see Dr. Li in a wheelchair, suffering from pain throughout his body and in a depressed mood. He was treated in a series of treatments by the Dr. Li and he now leads a normal life, walks normally without pain and he went back to school.
7. Breast cancer with liver metastases
Name: SF, Age: 56, female, physician, University of Haifa, Israel.
In May 2000, she was diagnosed with breast cancer with liver metastases. Between October 2000 to March 2001 she had not had any chemotherapy because the tests performed (markers test and CT) gave a clear image and it was hoped that the liver can be cleaned through surgery. She underwent the surgery at the hospital in Afula. Contrary to expectations, many cancer cells remained in the liver and the surgeon avoided performing any surgery of the liver. However, at the same time a cluster of cancer cells had been removed from her breast. She was told that she had only a few months to live. At that time she has been treated by Dr. Li and she is thankful for the personal medical advice she had been given by Dr. Li. Without her advice, she would not be able to overcome the disappointment she experienced regarding the state of her illness. In May 2000, she arrived to see Dr. Li and was treated by her until October 2000, concurrent with chemotherapy . A small cluster of cancer cells was removed from her breast. In April 2001 she underwent chemotherapy again. In November 2001, her condition deteriorated and she decided to be treated again by Dr. Li until the summer of 2002. However, in 2002, the cancer was growing again, and again she was treated by Dr. Li. She is currently working as usual and manages a normal lifestyle. As she describes it: "I am grateful to the medical and personal guidance of Dr. Li. Without her I would not have been able to not overcome the disappointment I felt in light of the condition of my illness ".
8. Lung Cancer with Myasthenia Gravis
Name: LMD, Age: 49, female, Herzliya, Israel.
In 2001 she was diagnosed with Myasthenia Gravis and shortly after she underwent a surgical treatment to remove the thymoma. In 2002 she met Dr. Li, and under her treatment she experienced a significant improvement in her health after a few months only. The real help she received from Dr. Li helped her reach a better position in her struggle with her illness .
9. Breast cancer with liver metastasis and malignant pericardial effusion
Name: TL, Age: 44, female, Jerusalem, Israel.
TL suffered from breast cancer for over 12 years and recently also from liver metastases and malignant pericardial effusion.In addition, she also suffers from a heart ascites and has to go weekly to the hospital to drain water. She was treated with chemotherapy for a long time without improvement in her condition. In January 2003, she began receiving weekly acupuncture treatments from Dr. Li and took daily anti-cancer formula. Today she is already more than six months under Dr. Lee's care, her condition stabilized and shows significant improvement. Currently her condition is stable, and X-ray of the chest made in August 2003 no longer shows fluid in the chest. Recent CT scans shows that the tumor had completely disappear and she now enjoys a normal life and goes to work
10. Prostate cancer
Name: SA, Age: 70, male, Bat Yam, Israel.
70 years old, suffers from prostate cancer. In December 2001 he felt pain when urinating. He did a PSA test, with a result of 54 ng / ml, and he was diagnosed with cancer. After receiving the results he contacted immediately Dr. Li. He took Dr. Li's “Anti-Cancer Medicine Number 1” and received acupuncture treatments, and in just one month his PSA level was reduced to 23 ng / ml. Later he did small hormone therapy. Today, his PSA levels had decreased to 0.001 ng / ml and he is completely cleared of cancer cells. He is very happy that Chinese medicine saved his life, without the need of surgery or chemotherapy. He greatly appreciates Dr. Li's research around the world and supports it.
11. Colon cancer
Name: UH, Physician, Age: 56, male, Tel Aviv, Israel.
In 1996 he was diagnosed with colon cancer. He had surgery and then chemotherapy accompanied by serious side effects such as low blood counts, vomiting, nausea and weakness. He rarely went to work. In April 1996, he heard that Dr. Li arrived from Beijing to Israel and immediately went to her oncology clinic. Dr. Lee treated him with Chinese medicine along with acupuncture. One week later the vomiting and nausea disappeared, and two weeks later the fatigue disappeared and blood counts returned to normal. He began to feel well during chemotherapy and returned to work and to normal life. After completing chemotherapy he took the medicine to eliminate cancer cells and prevent reoccurrence of the cancer. As a reinforcement of the results described, in December 1996 an expert in immunology and cancer recommended Dr. Li's treatment. It was found that “Anti-Cancer Number 1” significantly increases the level of the ‘natural killer' (NK) cells and inhibits the cancer metastasis. Today, 18 years later, UH fully recovered from colon cancer. He became a colleague of Dr. Li and a member in the International Center for Cancer Research with Chinese Medicine. Dr. Li's medicinal plants and acupuncture treatments helped him get through this difficult ordeal and continue with his life. He and other people with cancer, says UH, think that there is no substitute for Dr. Li's work and that she nothing short of life-saving.
12. Ovarian cancer
Name: NS, Age: 57, female, Ness Ziona, Israel.
Two years ago she suffered from ovarian cancer and subsequently underwent surgery and chemotherapy. She was told that the cancer will easily reoccur and will never completely disappear. In July 2002, she arrived to Dr. Li through a friend and began to receive her treatment, following grueling chemotherapy treatments. After being treated for a year with Dr. Li, her CT scans shows that the cancer had completely gone, and her blood test results are within the normal range.
13. Lung cancer with metastasis
Name: RG, Age: 56, female, Gan Yavne, Israel.
In January 2002, RG was diagnosed with lung cancer and metastasis. Conventional doctors told her that she has six months left to live. She was very disappointed to hear the bad news. She arrived in a depressed mood to Dr. Li's clinic, and in October 2002, when she still had 6 months of chemotherapy to do, she began treatment with Dr. Li. The treatment supported her immune system and limited tumor growth. On March 12, 2003 has underwent the last chemotherapy treatment and her doctor told her that her condition is stable. Today she is feeling well and she had returned to work, and her CT tests and cancer markers maintain stability. Out of a group of five patients who received chemotherapy and were similarly diagnosed, is the only one still alive.
14. Breast cancer and liver metastases
Name: IO, Age: 56, female, Gedera, Israel.
In November 2001 she was diagnosed with breast cancer at an advanced stage, of 14 cm in the right breast, and liver metastases. However, she refused to receive conventional treatment. She chose to undergo the treatment offered by Dr. Li, and then she had received chemotherapy.The tumor in the breast had shrank and disappeared within a few months, and the liver metastases disappeared without surgery. Testing done on August 2003 found that her condition is normal and that she is clear of cancer. However, she continues to receive treatment with Dr. Li to prevent cancer reoccurrence.
15. Colon cancer
Name: RZ, Age: 56, female, Hadera, Israel.
She suffered from colon cancer for several years and had surgery and chemotherapy. Consequently, her physical condition was bad: she was very tired and disappointed and suffered from hot flashes and fear. In 1998 she began treatment with Dr. Li, because she was allergic to the medicine she had taken. Today, both the cancer and her hormones are defined as normal. Unlike in the past, she does not suffer from hot flashes anymore and she is full of energy. Her stepdaughter is also being treated by Dr. Li due to asthma. Her lung function had drastically improved after two weeks of treatment
16. Melanoma
Name: ZN, Age: 82, female, Petah Tikva, Israel.
ZN suffered from melanoma, lymphoma and carcinoma.Four years ago, she was diagnosed with a malignant disease for the fourth time and found she had five tumors in the liver (In November 2001, after three years of remission, ultrasound and mammography tests discovered liver metastases). The doctor told her that unless she receives chemotherapy, she would have just three years to live. She chose, however, not to seek chemotherapy treatment and she had turned to Dr. Li. She began to feel very well soon after she began treatment, which included medication and weekly acupuncture treatments. Today, four years later, she is full of energy and enjoys a healthy appetite and good optimistic and spirits considering her health condition.
17. Breast cancer patient under chemotherapy
Name: RH, Age: 56, female, Hadera, Israel.
This is a breast cancer patient that receives chemotherapy. Since April 2000 she is being treated by Dr. Li. In July 2000, she had experienced a significant improvement in terms of reducing side effects such as nausea and vomiting and reduction in hair loss.
18. Brain tumor
Name: IIS, Age: 55, female, Tel Aviv, Israel .
Suffered from a brain tumor. She underwent three operations in May 1999, April 2000 and March 2002. In August 2002 the tumor returned, close to the central brain (unremovable). She arrived to the clinic suffering from dizziness, headaches and high blood pressure, and using a cane. She took 4 mg daily of Demamethasone and suffered from a depressed mood. After eight months of treatment by Dr. Li, CT scan showed that tumor size decreased from 15 x20 to 15 x15. She walks normally, sleeps well and stopped taking cortisone. CT scan done on January 25, 2004 found that the tumor had almost disappeared .
19. Central Nervous System Leukemia
Name: OY, Age: 9, male, Netivot, Israel.
OY suffered from central nervous system leukemia for 3.5 years. He underwent chemotherapy and radiotherapy, and twice faced recurrence. He arrived to the clinic on May 16, 2001, when the leukemia cells penetrated his central nervous system. His white blood cell count was 17.7 and his hemoglobin count was 11.7. The child suffered from headaches and pressure in his eyes. The chemotherapy side effects disappeared after a few months of being treated with the medicine. After almost a year, white blood cell count decreased to 4.5 and he returned to lead a normal life. Today, after treatment with medicine and acupuncture by Dr. Li, the child is in completely normal condition for four years.
20. Multiple Myeloma
Name: AG, Age: 60, male, Jerusalem, Israel.
In December 2001 he was diagnosed with multiple myeloma, IgG 4229 mg/dl, total protein 397g/dl, and also was told by the hospital that this is a life disease incurable, he was so depressed and searched for all treatments. in February 2002, he met Dr. Li. He began acupuncture treatment and took ACNO capsules. A year and a half after the beginning of the treatment, the results of IgG gradually reduced to 2400, 1600 mg/dl while remaining at a stable level. Total protein from 397g/dl, gradually down to 8.1 g/dl. Today, 24 years have passed since the disease has very well with ACNO and acupuncture every month, with no conventional treatment. he and his family are so happy and wrote a thank letter to Dr Li, He said he feels that Dr. Li's treatment halted the disease
21. Ovarian carcinoma
Name: OP, Age: 40, female, Israel.
In December 2002, OP was diagnosed with ovarian carcinoma.She had an operation in which her ovary and uterus were removed, but CA-125 tumor marker test results continued to show a value of 139 U / ml. She underwent chemotherapy and consequently felt tired, suffered vomiting and was very disappointed. In March 2003, she discontinued chemotherapy and came to the Dr. Li's clinic to receive Anti-Cancer Number 1 medicine and receive acupuncture treatments. Six months later her health had improved, CA-125 test results were decreased to 6.0 U / ml, and she returned to lead a normal life. Today she continues the treatments to prevent recurrence. She is in perfect health for four years.
22. Non-Hodgkin lymphoma
Name: NF, Age: 32, Male, Israel.
Suffered from non-Hodgkin lymphoma.In April 1999 he was first diagnosed with the disease. He received chemotherapy for 6 months and the disease disappeared. It had affected, however, his fertility and the ability to have children. In March 2000 the disease recurred and he began chemotherapy again. Following the treatment he was extremely tired, his white blood cell count dropped to 2.8 and he suffered from vomiting and loss of appetite. On April 5, 2000, he came to Dr. Li, began taking Anti-Cancer No. 1 medicine and received acupuncture treatments. Two weeks later he felt much improved and he his blood count increased. After several months the disease has passed. Today, five years have passed in which the disease did not reoccur, and he has one son. He completed his doctoral studies and continues with post-doctoral studies.
23. Lung Cancer
Name: LZ, Age: 65, female, Israel.
Suffers from bilateral lung cancer. She was told that her condition is untreatable and that she has left a short time to live. On September 26, 2012 she arrived to the Dr. Li's clinic, depressed and very weak, suffering from sweating at night and pain in the lower back and legs. She began taking Anti-Cancer Number 1 medicine and receiving acupuncture treatments, without any conventional treatment. Today, almost four years later, her CT scan results indicate that the tumor condition is stable, and had even shrank slightly. She feels well and she is leading normal life. She loves Dr. Li very much and brings her a flower from her garden every week.
24. Metastatic lung cancer
Name: RRSON, Age: 49, Male, Israel.
Arrived to the clinic after being diagnosed with cancer in his right lung cancer with metastases in chest bone, pleural cavity and diaphragm. After undergoing an operation, cancer cells still remained in his body, and he suffered chest pains, depression, cough and weakness. He began taking ACNO medication and receiving acupuncture treatments, along with chemotherapy. Today, CT testing indicates that his body is clear of cancer. He feels well and went back to work and to lead a normal life.
25. Pancreatic cancer with liver metastases
Name: TY, Age: 56, female, Israel.
Since 1993, TY suffered from pancreatic cancer with liver metastases. She was operated three times but the cancer returned. She did not respond to chemotherapy treatment. She began taking ACNO medication and receiving acupuncture treatments, and she underwent surgery, after which the cancer has not returned. She now leads a normal and good life for 11 years already. Her CT test results indicate that her body is clear of cancer and her CEA level is maintained at 1.0 ng / ml.
26. Liposarcoma
Name: ES, Age: 49, female, Israel .
Since November 2003, ES suffered from abdominal liposarcoma.She was operated three times, but each time the liposarcoma returned three months later. She traveled to Germany where she underwent Hypernia treatments and chemotherapy, but her body did not respond to any of the conventional treatments. Her only option was surgery, but even then the tumor returned. In August 2004 she started taking ACNO medication and receiving acupuncture treatments. CT scan found that her body was clear of cancer after the operation, meaning that the medicine prevented tumor recurrence. Today she leads a normal life.
27. Liver Cancer
Name: YP, Age: 60, male, Netanya, Israel.
Since July 2004 YP suffered from liver cancer with unknown primary site. It was a very aggressive tumor and within six months it attacked the entire liver. The dimensions of the liver increased by 9 cm and CEA test resulted in a value of 600 ng / ml. He was in pain and suffered from lack of appetite and extreme weakness. After he began taking ACNO medication and receiving acupuncture treatments along with moderate chemotherapy, the dimensions of the tumor in the liver shrank by 5 cm, tumor markers test results fell to 300 ng / ml, and the patient feels well.
28. Colon cancer with liver and lungs metastasis
Name: DD, Age: 58, female, Jerusalem, Israel.
DD suffered from colon cancer with liver and lungs metastasis. Since August 2003 she takes ACNO medication along with six months of chemotherapy. Today, CT scan indicates that she is clear of cancer and CEA results are normal. She returned to work and to lead a normal life.
29. Metastatic breast cancer
Name: HEF, Age: 48, female, Givat Zeev, Israel.
HEF had breast cancer since 1995. She underwent surgery and received chemotherapy and radiotherapy .In 2002 the tumor spread to the right lung and brain. Results of tumor marker test were 237. Despite chemotherapy treatments she had received for many years, the tumor remained in place. On February 2 2004, she started taking ACNO medication and receiving acupuncture treatments. After one year of treatment, the tumor disappeared and tumor markers test results returned to normal values. She returned to work and she leads normal life. Today she continues treatment to prevent tumor recurrence.
30. Breast cancer
Name: SH, Age: 50, female, Jerusalem, Israel.
On December 12, 2003, she was diagnosed with breast cancer grade 2 in her left breast. She began taking ACNO medication and receiving acupuncture treatments before she underwent surgery and chemotherapy and radiotherapy treatments. Today she feels well and does not suffer from vomiting and hair loss. Her blood count also returned to normal values during chemotherapy and radiotherapy. Her body is completely clear from the tumor and she leads a normal life.
31. Liposarcoma right groin with lungs metastasis
Name: JM, Age: 63, female, Northern Israel.
She was diagnosed with a liposarcoma tumor weighing 9 kg in the right groin. In May 2007 she underwent surgery and chemotherapy and radiotherapy treatments, but in February 2008 the tumor spread to the lungs, were 9 tumors were found. Although the tumor shrank after six rounds of chemotherapy, it reoccurred shortly after the completion of the treatment. In the second time, her body no longer responded to chemotherapy, and she contacted Dr. Li. She took for about a year the medicinal plants formulas ACNO1 and ACNO3, and subsequently the lung tumor disappeared completely and she is clear of cancer for over 5 years. She says that Dr. Li's medication kills cancer cells without damaging normal cells. It also increases the presence of the 'natural killer' cells, which are the first line of cells that kill cancer cells and prevent its recurrence.
32. Stage 4 Lung Cancer
Name: RBB, Age: 32, male, northern Israel.
In February 2013 she was diagnosed with stage 4 lung cancer, where the tumor had spread almost fully to both lungs. He first came to Dr. Li's research center in depressed mode after being told that chemotherapy will not work properly. Without hesitation, he began to take the medicinal plants formulas ACNO1 and ACNO3, along with biological treatment. CT scans performed after 8 months indicated that 90% of the tumor had disappeared. He was happy and returned to his doctoral studies.
33. Colon cancer with liver and lungs metastases
Name:WS, Age: 59, male, Haifa, Israel.
Since 2009, WS had suffered from colon cancer. He underwent chemotherapy and radiotherapy, but the tumor reoccurred after less than a year and spread to the liver and lungs. He decided to have surgery but refused chemotherapy because he felt very bad during the treatment. He arrived to the cancer research center and began taking the anti- cancer medicinal plants medications ACNO1 and ACNO3. After one year he fully recovered, with CEA tumor marker test results back to normal values. Today he is clear of cancer for more than 5 years and he is living a normal life. In one of his visits in the hospital his doctor told him that he was the only person in the hospital that was in such a bad condition and survived.
34. Kidney cancer with lungs metastases
Name: WB, Age: 39, female, married + 2, Northern Israel.
WB suffered from kidney cancer with metastases in the lungs, where three tumors were discovered. The cancer in her right kidney was discovered two years ago. She underwent surgery to remove one kidney and consequently her creatinine values climbed to 1.01 mg / dl. In January 2014 tumor metastases were discovered in the lungs. She underwent chemotherapy, but her body did not respond well and her family had lost hope for improvement. In March 2014 she finally reached Dr. Li's research center. She began taking the anti- cancer medicinal plants medications ACNO1 and ACNO3 and after several months the shrinkage of tumor became noticeable. CT scan performed on January 5 found that the tumor had completely disappeared. She was very happy and today she continues to take the medicine as preventive treatment.
35. Breast cancer with bone metastases
Name: FT, Age: 49, Female, Tel Aviv, Israel.
In October 10, 2013, FT was diagnosed with cancer in her right breast cancer with bone metastases. She underwent hormone therapy and one radiotherapy treatment, but the tumor remains unchanged and she continued to experience pain. She heard from a friend about Dr. Li's research center and came to the clinic in the center on January 22, 2014. She took the anti-cancer medications ACNO1 and ACNO3 for one year, and CT scan performed in December 2014 found that the tumor in the breast and in the bones had completely disappeared. She was very happy with the positive results and for not requiring further surgeries and chemotherapy. Today is leading a normal life and continues to take the medicine as preventive treatment.
36. Colon cancer metastasis to liver and prostate cancer
Name : RY , 70 years old , male , from Haifa area of Israel ,suffer from conlon cancer with metastasis to liver ,prostate cancer ,as well as nose melanoma in 2009 . He came to the research center clinic in March 2015 after operation because he worry about the tumor in the liver and colon cancer come back and chemotherapy side effect , so he start treatment ACNO1 and ACNO3 in the cancer research center , until 29/april 2014 , the liver tumor completely finish ,but still have prostate tumor , so he add radiotherapy , in the Nov 2014 the CT showed all body free from cancer , which make the patients so happy , life come back patient again . He continue the medicine to prevent .
37. Left breast cancer 8.5 cm without operation and chemotherapy
Name : RR female , 76 years old ,from north of Israel , she suffered right breast cancer in 2002 .That time she did operation and radiotherapy , after she took hormone treatment for six years . Unfortunately , in 23 April 2014 she find left breast cancer ,the size 8.5 cm ,she refuse all conventional treatment because she did all conventional protocol and the tumor came back . She came the research center clinic in 23 April 2014 with full hope . She began ACNO1 and immune medicine immediately , the situation stable ,but shrinking was not enough , the Dr Li recommend hormone treatment again because the tumor big size , however after hormone treatment , the tumor became bigger than before , then Dr Li put ACNO3 ,since then the tumor gradually smaller , until 6/01/17 MRI ,the tumor completely disappeared . Patient is so happy without words express herself .
38. Myxoid liposarcoma soft tissue left kneel area
2012 left kneel swollen ,diagnosis liposarcoma , he went to many doctor and 25 times radiotherapy ,however the tumor still grew ,27 March , he plan to operation to cut leg for preventing the tumor metastasis to lungs .
The decision is a disaster for him and three children family .Through the patient introduction he came to doctor Li just operation. Then Dr Li no any hesitate gave him Chinese medicine ACNO1 and ACNO3 , until 15 01 2017 the tumor gradually stable and smaller , patient go back to normal life ,which do not need the horrible operation.
39. Ovarian cancer multiple metastasis peritoneum and lungs
GA female come from Israel , suffered from ovarian cancer in 2007. After operation , ,underwent regular chemotherapy, CT and blood count got normal. 2011 she found the tumor multiple metastasis to peritoneum and lungs . Since then she began a long period chemotherapy , after chemotherapy CARBOPLATIN ,and TAXOTERE ,she was very weak ,so as to lay on the bed with vomiting ,diarrhea ,loss hair , no another choice , the doctor reduced the doses of chemotherapy , but the tumor metastasis to lungs and pelvic ,CA125 increase to 490u/ml. CT showed new metastasis 2,5mm in the lung , 2mm in the diaphragm , lymph node 0,70x0.3cm ,uterus 0.2x4.5cm . 2012 CT showed the tumor bigger , then change chemotherapy , 2013 the tumor continue grew and change another chemotherapy , She change another chemotherapy because her tumor still increase . She consequently take chemotherapy for 5 years until 16th June 2016 . Unfortunately ,she has used all chemotherapy medicine ,but the tumor got worse and worse . She shocked and fall down when she was told no medicine can use anymore .
After recovering a little , she run to Dr Li research center to look for treatment with bad mood . After saw the CT scan , Dr Li told the patient , the situation is not good but we can control it . The patents start to take ACNO1 and ACNO3 medicine with full hope , after 5 months take the medicine , the tumor stop grew , after 8 months the tumor showed smaller, after one year the CT showed completely clean . 2.5 year past the tumor did not return . Patent told every one Dr Li take her life back from grave .
40. Breast cancer spread to liver ,bones and eyes
AS , female come from north of Israel , fund left breast cancer 1.6cm .HER2 positive in 2014. She did operation to take out tumor with two lymph nodes. After surgery ,she underwent chemotherapy and radiotherapy ,then take hormone treatment . Unfortunately , the tumor metastasis to liver ,bones and eyes , which eyes sight is low . She began chemotherapy and biology treatment Herceptin and Navelbin , But the tumor still grew ,spread all live ,the liver function got worse . 10/1 /2017 Bilirubin 6,6 mg/dl , Alkaline phosphatase 451 U/L ,SGOT 62 U/L , SGPT 54U/L ,GGT 128 U/L, Patient was told only few weeks , patient urgently came to research center for saving life . After check CT , blood count , Dr Li immediately give patient ACNO1and ACNO3 ,After take medicine one week , patient liver function improved 17/1/2017 ,Bilirubin 6,6 mg/dl , Alkaline phosphatase 237 U/L ,SGOT 37 U/L , SGPT 23U/L ,GGT 77 U/L ,patient symptom improved also , 14/6/2017 the eye metastasis disappeared ,liver metastasis finishes 50%, tumor stable in the bone . The tumor markets 15/12/2016 CA 125 60.6U/ML CA153 726.2U/ML CEA 134.3NG/ML reduce to CA125 17.1u/ml .CEA 1.7ng/ml . in 18 /July /2017 . She fell much better and go back to work.
41 Pancreases cancer metastasis to lung
TA nice lady 59 years old ,from North of Israel . In 2011,the patient suddenly skin yellow , itch ,fever , hospitalized . CT and pathology diagnosis pancreases head cancer and also was told only half years life left . The operation have done immediately , after chemotherapy and radiotherapy . which side effect make her dizziness ,nausea ,vomiting ,blood count lower , so that she could not continue the treatment , In the early 2012 ,she come to the research center for side effect . She began to take ACNO1 and ACNO3 until June 2017 ,during the five years , only once lung metastasis ,the rest results were normal . Her life and work are regularly , her colleague nobody know her sick , she continue the treatment with medicine and acupuncture , also she help many patients in the research center .
42. Right maxillofacial region huge B-cells lymphoma
YM 34 years old girl , near Tel Aviv Israel . 31 January 2016 , finding right face have smaller mass , then diagnosis B-cell lymphoma by pathology . However ,the tumor grew very fast until 10 cm in a few months after take pathology operation , which damage seriously the face skin , looking so bad . The situation make the beautiful girl so depression . So that she refused all conventional treatment . She run to Dr Li research center 19/9 2016 . After check the patient , DR Li decide take Chinese Medicine combine with chemotherapy , but the patient refuse again. No other choice , patient only take Chinese medicine ACNO1and ACNO3 . after taking the medicine 5 months , the tumor shrunk 50% , after 8 months ,the tumor disappear completely . The hospital doctor was astonish about the result ,so that they will give the grant to Dr Li to support the research.
43. 14 cm Mediastium carcinoma metastasis to liver
TI 25 years old male student from BATIYAM of Israel , just finish army service .
In the early 2016 , prepare the exam for university , then suddenly serious pain in the chest . CT find huge tumor 14 cm in the mediastinum , immediately started 6 course chemotherapy, Caboplantin and Taxol , plus radiotherapy , after the treatment , mediastinum tumor smaller , unfortunately , the tumor metastasis to liver and spinal , the doctor increase chemotherapy doses , but the tumor still grew , the hospital send the pathology slice to America to look for help and no satisfied . The boy so depression because his friend ,some of them go to work , some of them go to Universty . He felt very tired ,loss weight and hair , no appetite , more than that he stops talking with every one and loss courage to live . All family worry about him , his mother drag his to come to Dr Li research center . in the beginning he refused taking all medicine , but when Dr Li check him and explain him his situation has a lot hope , then he started cooperation . He begin take ACNO1 and ACNO3 at the same day with the same chemotherapy , after a few weeks ,patients fell better and talk with people ,symptoms significant improve . So each time ,come to the clinic , he ask Dr LI the reason tumor happened ,developed , and treatment . Also talk about his life ,study and marriage . In June 2016 , PET CT showed mediastinum tumor reduce from 19mm to 13 mm , liver tumor from 12 mm to 7mm . spinal from 5mm to 3mm . 21 July 2017 PET CT showed all tumor completely finish ed . The boy go to normal life and work . Patient , family ,doctors are very happy with the results . He told Dr Li the he will go to Dr Li ‘ China hospital to give thanks and also introduction Chinese medicine to world wide to save many lives .
44. Bladder cancer recover completely
SS , 38 years old with succeed business gentleman ,from the north of Israel , diagnosis bladder cancer in October 2002 , He did operation in 2002 . Unfortunately , tumor came back in August 2006 , did operation again , in November 2016 , tumor came back again ,did operation , three time operation made him so depression , also his doctor told him never can finish . 23, November 2006 came to Dr Research Center to begin take ACNO1 and immune medicine , after half year ,the bladder tumor stop ,8 months smaller , 1 years he completely recover from bladder cancer . He continue his international business ,including China . Until 19th July 2017 , his tumor did not recurrence .
45. Gastric tumor metastasis to lymphnodes
EK a high quality knowledge gentleman ,diagnosis stomach cancer with metastasis to lymph nodes in October 2010 . After diagnosis 1. 5 months later , he did operation to take partly stomach , however the big operation made him very weakness , difficulty to digestion , take chemotherapy Carboplatin , make him life very difficulty , He come to the research center
For reduce the side effect of chemotherapy and preventive . after a few weeks he felt better and eat more food , the blood count went to normal . He finish the chemotherapy much easily ,so still go to work , 23 July 2017 seven years past , no any recurrence and completely recovered , he said he owe the success to Chinese medicine because most patients only chemotherapy ,the tumor come back.
46 COVID-19 preventive and treatment by Chinese herbal medicine news in the international Chinese medicine cancer research centre
Our international Chinese medicine cancer Research centre have many thousands middle and later stage cancer patients from 42 countries, more than half patients did not do vaccine because the cancer condition, of course if they catch the covid -19 are more danger because their immune system are so low, but we keep zero infection of Covid-19 with variants until now after three weeks take Chinese medicine ACNO or PCCJ. We took some patients’ blood test in the doctor’s laboratory of UK for T cells and NK cells, the results showed CE4, CD8 AND CD4/CD8 ration in normal range and NK cells in normal or higher level. the results equal to our in-animal research of Tel Aviv university, ACNO can increase NK cells activity, which is not only for cancer, but also for virus and bacteria that we need to do further research.
Some typical cases in our research centre
1. Clear cells sarcoma in the chest around covid-19 patients
patient NS suffering from clear cells sarcoma without vaccine, from Serbia, he suffers from clear cells sarcoma lateral wall of left hemithorax, which was surgically removed in FEB 2014, Patient noticed one month after first surgery that soft tissue mass started growing, In March 2018 significant growth of mass, CT scan showed intramuscular mass dimensions 34*44mm located in left hemithorax. in April 2018 second operation, July 2018 CT found lung, abdomen, liver, bone metastasis, then he began chemotherapy, Due to bad diagnosis and hard time with chemotherapy, he Emails to Dr Li for helping, In the July 2018, he began to treat with ACNO, last two years he only took Chinese medicine, he keeps sports and normal work, CT showed the tumor stable. During the covid-19 pandemic, he did not take vaccine because the disease, unfortunately, his house spread covid -19, his father, mother, brother and sister-in-low were catch covid-19 but he avoids completely, he wrote letter special report his case and this succeeded to thank to Chinese herbal medicine.
2. Breast Cancer, triple negative near covid-19 patient
NG , suffering from breast cancer with triple negative in April 2019 , Duo to the tumor grew fast , she did the surgery and follow by the chemotherapy , So she did not take vaccine . However, Triple-negative breast cancer (TNBC) is an aggressive cancer, meaning it grows and spreads quickly. It’s more likely than other breast cancers to return, and it has more limited treatment options, So that she was so worry about it and came to the Chinese Medicine Cancer research canter to take anticancer herbal medicine in 16 Feb 2020 during covid-19 pandemic ,Unfortunately her husband was catch covid-19 ,3 months ago she is complete avoid , she was very happy to tell us her antibody good enough to against covid -19 , she already get the green passport from Israel government because her immune good enough .making her more happy is all breast check is normal and has normal life in the last two years .
Also, we have treated many covid-19 and post covid-19 symptoms patients in the past two years. for example:
3. covid-19 patient
CC outside patients, usually healthy lady, from UK, 10 days ago she came to the research with bad cough from subway travel, Dr Li said the cough like covi-19, then gave her Chinese medicine PCCJ immediately, she had check in the research centre by NHS COVID-19 self-test, which showed positive, she also had short breath, very tiredness, she was so scared. But after 3 days take the medicine, her cough completely gone, tiredness and short breath much improved, then after 7 days test again and was a negative result for covid-19 virus. She said: Chinese Herbs save my life without turn to serious case and no left any post covid-19 symptoms. now I go back to work as normal. She said hope we can get support from our Prime Minister to do the anti-covid -19 and variations research by special Chinese medicine to help to stop the covid-19 and variations pandemic crisis to save people lives.
Conclusion, Chinese medicine is prevented and treat covid-19 with variations is one effective way, patients zero in affection, outpatients who catch covid-19 recover in a week without turn to serious case and post covid-19 syndrome in the past two years during covid-19 pandemic crisis. So, we need to further research to publish the article.